Sunday, January 1, 2012

Diet Crash & Burn

This past Thursday was the first day of my Beach Body Challenge. I started it on a Thursday because I got my challenge pack in the mail on Wednesday and I knew that if I let it sit in the corner and collect dust, I might never get started.

Thursday morning I woke up at 5:30 am and got to it. I did the Fire 30 class. I made my shake for breakfast. I packed my healthy food for snacks and lunch at the office. I didn't have one single Coke. I did all the right things that day. I felt so good and energized throughout the day but 4:00 pm rolled around and I started to feel sluggish. I really hoped I wasn't getting the cold that was going around. By the time that I got home, all I had energy for was watching tv on the coach and belly aching about how bad I felt. I didn't feel like I was getting a cold. It felt more like a hangover. What is going on? I'm on a new diet and exercise program, I should feel amazing like the instructor does.

I did my research and found a useful bit of information. This is a common side affect when you go on a diet or start something new nutrition and fitness wise. You are having withdrawals. Yes I said withdrawals. If you drink sodas and greasy foods all day (which I most definitely did), your body becomes accustomed to that substance and it craves it much like what people with alcoholism and drug addiction go through. You are sending a shock through your body and that is it's reaction. Your body wants to go back to what you have been feeding it for so long, it thinks that it needs it.

If you are starting out with a new diet and exercise program, you have to remember that you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. The change is not easy. It's not easy making your self get out of bed and work out when you would have been sleeping. It's not easy to resist the candy that people bring in to your office. And it is most definitely not easy to sit there on the couch with no energy while you roll with your junk food withdrawal tide. It is not fun at first but you have to break through it to get your end results. It WILL get better.

You have to trudge on until things become easy, until they become your lifestyle. Being healthy is not about working out for a couple of months to get the body you want and then going right back to the way you were before. You have to train your body and your mind to make conscious decisions for your health.

It is 7:09 am Sunday morning. I woke up at 5:30 am, did my Tone 30 class, took a shower and have done a load of dishes and clothes. I am telling you people, if I can do this, so can you. You just have to set your mind to it and get it done. Period. No excuses. No putting it off. Just get it done.

Did everyone have a happy New Year's? Let's say good bye to 2011, to bad habits and soft bodies and hello to 2012, your health and stepping in the right direction to making your life a better one.

Cheers to 2012!

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