Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Day 3

Just in case you have missed any of the previous posts, here are links to their pages:

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Day 1

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Day 2

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Around the Camp

Friday morning the alarm brought me out of a dead sleep suddenly at the same time as it did the day before.

I hate when I wake up from a dead sleep. I usually don't know where I am or what day it is, and I have been known to forget my own name. It didn't help that I had my fair share of silver bullets.

The night before, I put my dollars down on the dice table for several hours as I joined in on the fun. After observing and learning the rules, I was ready to join the big boys. Being the competitive person that I am I talked alot of trash, hooped and hollered when I won, and kept playing until I had twice as many ones as I had when I started.

I live for the competitive spirit that thrives inside of me. I love the adrenaline. I love the game. More than anything though, I hate to lose and I usually don't stop until I'm back on top.

A few more people gathered around the camp for breakfast this day and we did our usual routine. Eat. Saddle horses. Hit the trail.

This day was a little different because we were gathering and working cattle in a different pasture several miles from camp in a different set of pens. To get there, we loaded all of our horses in the trailer and drove to where they were.

As the grey clouds loomed over our heads teasing us with droplets of rain, we unloaded all the horses to set out on the trail.

When you are in the livestock or horse industry you never curse the rain. Ever. Even if you get rained out and can't do your work for the day, you welcome rain with open arms and let it do it's business. Rain is the essence of the profession.

The camera guys got a little nervous though.

Oh! I forgot to tell y'all the reason for this spring gathering. Well there are actually several reasons. One is so that the calves and cattle on the High Oaks Ranch can be worked with plenty of help from friends. Two is so we can gather as friends and have a good time. And three is so our gathering can be captured on film for the All Around Performance Horse show.

Scotty, Sean and John are the head honchos for the show and they do a wonderful job of showcasing the western way of life and keeping it alive with an honest stand point.

While we are on the subject, don't miss the annual All Around Ranch Rodeo which will be held in Glen Rose Expo on June 7,8,9, 2012. Clint and I will both be there helping. I can't wait.

Ranch rodeos are my favorite events to go watch. I just love it when Clint enters into the annual 4th of July Ranch Rodeo in Granbury. I'm a good cheerleader.

A ranch rodeo is similar to a regular rodeo but they have teams of cowboys that compete in events like branding, sorting, bronc riding, wild cow milking, and mugging. If you are wondering what in the heck I just said, it is all the more reason for you to come watch. These are all events that ranchers back in the day had to do to get work done. It's pretty interesting and fun stuff to watch. You can get more schedule and ticket info here.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... (I love that book)

The grey clouds demanded the sky with the exception of sporadic rays of sunshine trying to break through which made for the most beautiful setting. The air was damp as it anticipated a down pour.

All the guys, and gal (Sandy, Bolivar's wife came along that day) headed out to gather the herd. Since there wasn't that far to go to push the cattle in the pens, I walked in hopes I could get some good pictures. That and I figured it was the least likely place for me to get in trouble again.

The cattle were ushered in the small pens and the work began. First you have to sort off the mamas from the babies. Neither party likes this not one bit. They both let out their moos of protest every step of the way and the entire time until they are reunited.

After the sorting, the heifers and the few bulls are ran through a chute where they are wormed with a topical solution that is poured on their backs and given their yearly injections to ward off common cattle sicknesses.

What is very interesting to me is that there are only a few carefully selected bulls that are put with a given herd. The reason for that being that they have been tested and are engineered to produce low birth weight calves.

This is very important because low birth weight calves are obviously easier to calve naturally and it lowers your risk of losing any livestock during calve birth or needing the assistance from a vet if needed. Both are expensive and are to be avoided if at all possible.

After all the heifers and bulls are tended to, it's the calves' turn.

A few cowboys on their horses are to rope the hind legs and drag the calves to the fire where they are branded, vaccinated, and castrated if they are boys. They have to be drug because they don't exactly go willingly.

All of these actions are necessary to maintain a healthy cattle ranch. I know, I know.... I would rather just love those calves into submission, too, but that's just not feesible.

Enjoy these pictures from another part of the lovely High Oaks Ranch! Oh but I'm not finished yet!!! Stay tunned for the Big Hat Roping!!!
Good thing Clint is in a good mood so early in the morning.
This is a very good sign.

This is JP, the High Oaks Ranch ranch manager.

Clint on ol' Gravy

John Mitchell on grey

Bolivar, Slick and Greg getting ready for the day.

What a beautiful landscape.

I love grey horses.
Noble steed comes to mind.

Leggins, boots, spurs and a ranch brand
are also some of my favorite things.

Sean is the official brander man.

Scotty sorting a few calves.

Just because we are working cattle, doesn't
mean the real world stops. Trey Trey has to
take a phone call. Hope he can hear over the
cattle mooing.

This is Kel. He is laughing, just in case you couldn't figure
that out on your own.

JP again making sure things are
going according to plan.

This is one mad mama expressing herself.

Mr. Muscles.

Baby calf isn't happy either.

Love this one.

"What you lookin' at?"

Clint and Bolivar about to drag a few calves.


Pull, Grey, Pull

No words. Just love.

Getting a little branding done.


John Klam.

Clint and Grey are still at it.


Sandy is getting in on the action.

That looks like alot of work. I'm tired just looking at it.

I love this picture of Scotty. If I had one word it would be:


I heart this picture too.

Sean waiting on the guys to bring him
another calf.

Mr. Muscles #2

DJ doing a little work.

Kel again

Bolivar, are you tired yet?

The whole group ready for their camera time.

What a lovely bunch of cocnuts!

The work is done for the day, boys.... and girl.

JP and the Noble Steed
It was hard for me to just pick a few pictures for this post. There was so much about this day that I just loved on camera.

If you are reading out there, I wanna know what you think. Show me some love, people.

There are still more cool and funny pictures to come! Don't miss them!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Zoo Run

On Saturday, Blaze, Ashleigh, Becky and I participated in our second Zoo Run.

Blaze and me before the race. Of course the horse
blanket came along too.

Let me preface this with a little background on my running relationship.

It's non-existent because we signed the divorce papers a LONG time ago and reconciliation is a long shot.

When I was younger, the first thing on my body to grow was my feet. I had size 11 shoe in 3rd grade!

To top off my freakishly large feet, I was tall and didn't have an ounce of body fat.

My my my... how things have changed.

To say that I was awkward is the understatment of the decade.

So when I ran, or tried to, it looked like I had flippers on.

Needless to say, I would rather walk across hot coals than run because of my deep-seeded hatred for running. It made me look even more goofy than I was as a child. Thanks running, for scarring me for life....'preciate it.

Last year, Ashleigh (my childhood buddy) and I decided to enter ourselves in to our first Zoo Run 5k at the Fort Worth Zoo with our boys.

Ashleigh is a good runner. Always has been and probably always will be. I remember in high school when we had to run miles in basketball, she was usually the first one done.

Me, I was the one that my team mates finished and ran back to where I was to push me to the finish cheering me on saying, "Push it, Kaci! You can do it!" I wanted to punch them all in the face when they would do that. I mean that with the most sincerity possible.

So when I heard about the Zoo Run I had somewhat of an inner struggle with the idea. The running part I disliked but the raising money for the zoo and all the animals part was the kicker.

I'm a big softy when it comes to animals. Even if it means conquering my most hated pasttime.

I thought it would be a cool tradition for Blaze, Ashleigh, Noah (Ashleigh's boy), and myself to have as well. We would run the Zoo Run every year and we would walk away knowing that we did something good for the Earth and the conservation of animals and education.

And I thought that maybe since the rest of my body has caught up to my feet, and then some, that running would come a little easier now.

This "fun run" (what a ridiculous name) starts off by the front of the zoo, you run all the way around to the back, run through the zoo out into a neighborhood behind the zoo that involves hills that I swear are 90 degrees upwards and back around to where you started.

Last year, while pushing my stroller, I thought that I would flat line right in the middle of the thousands of people there. I had a vision of me tripping in slow motion with my chin crashing on the pavement and me flailing all about, flatlining and then everyone would just run over the top of me like I was roadkill. BUT I finished. I waked ALOT but I did finish.

For the last mile, I told Ashleigh, "Just go ahead, you don't have to wait on me anymore." I felt bad that she would be smoking me and then stop and run in place while I caught up.

I'm pretty sure she finished a good 15 minutes ahead of me. Of course I sprinted across the finish line like I had been maintaining that speed the whole time.... Oh geez! I crack myself up!

THIS year though I figured I would be at an advantage, or maybe that Ashleigh would be at a disadvantage, because she just had her second child in January. I thought to myself, "Oh that will slow her down to my speed, I hope."

I was thinking that I would fair better this year too because of my kickboxing classes that I have been half-ass attending have provided SOME cardio in my life.

When the race started, there was 2,663 people that entered into the race and it took us a solid 8 minutes to even GET to the starting line. People were everywhere.

As soon as we could break out of the crowd enough to run we did. I thought to myself, "Self, just keep going. Don't wuss out like you did last year."

We made it to the back of the zoo and I was still running! I stopped to walk WAY before that last year.

We made it throught the zoo where you go out into the neighborhood AND I WAS STILL RUNNING!!!! WAHOO!!!

If it wasn't for the people that have no 5k etiquette and line up across the whole course and walk, I would have still have been running but instead of running people over with my stroller, I counted to 10 before I screamed and waited until I could get around those sweet little powder puffs!

We finished the 5k in about 45 minutes. Not too shabby!

All in all, I would say that I ran about 60% of the 5k and I think that is pretty darn good for a girl that is out of shape and dislikes running with a fiery passion.

Hopefully next year, I can keep improving. My goal is to eventually make it through one without stopping one time.

The most important part is that I did it, I finished, I'm alive, and all my vitals signs have returned to normal! Sweet!

To all of you people that are natural runners, I'm jealous. Oh so very jealous!

Peace out my little chicken dumplins!

We made it! Blaze tooks THRILLED!

Friday, April 27, 2012

5 Things Friday

I have skipped a few Fridays but I'm back at it now!!

Here are my 5 things for the week:

1. Tomorrow, I will be going on the 2nd Annual Granbury Wine Walk with a few of my friends. Lately I have grown to accept wine as a good friend. It's like liquid Prozac, I swear.

When I come home from a stressul day, I pour me a glass of wine and it seems to melt away my stress. I just relax with my husband and child on the front porch and enjoy life. Thank you, wine. How awesome of you to do that for me.

Other than wine is awesome, I don't know much about wine. I know there are different grapes that are fermented to make the different wines, and that certain foods go with certain wines, and certain wines are fermented with things like wood, chocolate and whatnot. But that's about it. I know that it goes way more in depth that my simple mind.

I'm taking this lovely opportunity in my hometown to learn more about wine and maybe find a wine I like other than the Franzia (yes, in the box) Chillable Red.... I know, I'm a cheapo.

I will post later about this cool little venue.

2. I went and seen "Chimpanzee" in the theatres last Sunday. All I can say is "WOW!"

The cinematography was amazing and breathtaking.

The movie took you into the rain forest and you witnessed first hand the lives of a tribe? group? pride? what's the right word? of Chimpanzees that were being threatened by a rival pack for their territory and you watched as they struggle to keep their land.

It was very interesting to see the heirarchy of the group and how they conducted their lives.

It is insane to me how when you looked into their faces and you couldn't help but think of how human-like they are. No I'm not going all Darwinism on you... just a fact.

"Oscar" is the young chimp that loses his mother and is forced to find another chimp to take her place to teach him how to survive.

The chimp that takes on the job is one you would never suspect....

It is definitely a must see plus a portion of the proceeds of ticket sales of the first 2 weeks of the movie will be donated to the the Jane Goodall Institute. You already know I'm a sucker for fundraisers and animals.

3. I am IN LOVE with Epiphanie camera bags!!!!

I will be saving my money and buying one of these. Check out the goodness!!

4. Hallelujah for haircuts!!!

I always wait until the last minute to call my hair girl and schedule an appointment. You know, to the point where you want to go all Britney Spears on yourself and take the clippers to your scalp.

I'm there but my husband hid the clippers. So I guess I will have to wait until later today for my haircut.

5. Besides the Wine Walk this weekend, I will take full advantage of my calendar not having any "to do"s on it and I will veg to the best of my ability.

From now until I don't even know when, we will be blowin' and a goin' every weekend. I better go stock up on "No Doze". I'm kidding, I'm kidding.... maybe. We will see.

Happy Friday!

Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Around the Camp

After the work for the day, we all gather around the campsite, tell stories, the kids play in the creek, and we get to know everyone.

This is one of my favorite times and I hold it very dear to my heart. I have gotten to know some amazing people and forged friendships with them that I wouldn't trade anything for.

Since the pictures speak for themselves, I'm going to let them do the story telling.

This is my little buddy Carson. Her brother and her,
Case know that when a camera goes up, they smile
and pose. I just love both of them. Sweet as can be!

This is Case, Carson's big brother. See what I
mean about smile and pose?

If the kids were playing in the creek, Vegas was right with them.
This is concentration at it's finest. He's waiting for them to throw
a rock.

This is Scotty, aka "Big Daddy" and Kate. I love this picture.

I just love this dog so much!

This is Gage. What a cutie! I want to pinch
his cheeks! He was coming to show me the
frog he caught. I don't like frogs AT ALL
but it was a sweet gesture. :)

This is Jim, aka Jimnastics, telling his stories.

Way to get into the story, Jimnastics.

Scotty, Clint, and Jay Rice having a good chuckle.

I couldn't resist the colors in this wonderous pot of beans.
I personally don't like beans, but they were pretty.

Sean getting in on the laughing action.

Finstead laughing at a story about Indians, frying pans,
and rodeos.... you had to be there.

My sweet boy riding in the back of the truck.

These are probably two of the sweetest people on the planet,
John and Vickie Mitchell.
I adore this picture. That is all.

Cool boots!

Enjoy! I still have lots of stories and pictures to share from our weekend at The High Oaks Ranch! Stay tuned!
