Thursday, April 26, 2012

Weekend at the High Oaks Ranch: Around the Camp

After the work for the day, we all gather around the campsite, tell stories, the kids play in the creek, and we get to know everyone.

This is one of my favorite times and I hold it very dear to my heart. I have gotten to know some amazing people and forged friendships with them that I wouldn't trade anything for.

Since the pictures speak for themselves, I'm going to let them do the story telling.

This is my little buddy Carson. Her brother and her,
Case know that when a camera goes up, they smile
and pose. I just love both of them. Sweet as can be!

This is Case, Carson's big brother. See what I
mean about smile and pose?

If the kids were playing in the creek, Vegas was right with them.
This is concentration at it's finest. He's waiting for them to throw
a rock.

This is Scotty, aka "Big Daddy" and Kate. I love this picture.

I just love this dog so much!

This is Gage. What a cutie! I want to pinch
his cheeks! He was coming to show me the
frog he caught. I don't like frogs AT ALL
but it was a sweet gesture. :)

This is Jim, aka Jimnastics, telling his stories.

Way to get into the story, Jimnastics.

Scotty, Clint, and Jay Rice having a good chuckle.

I couldn't resist the colors in this wonderous pot of beans.
I personally don't like beans, but they were pretty.

Sean getting in on the laughing action.

Finstead laughing at a story about Indians, frying pans,
and rodeos.... you had to be there.

My sweet boy riding in the back of the truck.

These are probably two of the sweetest people on the planet,
John and Vickie Mitchell.
I adore this picture. That is all.

Cool boots!

Enjoy! I still have lots of stories and pictures to share from our weekend at The High Oaks Ranch! Stay tuned!


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