Monday, September 19, 2011


I had a hard time giving this blog a title because I didn't know how to explain it in just a few short words. After things going through my head like, "Where Would We Be Without Friends", "Friends Make the World Go 'Round".... and that's all I had so I decided, as you can see, I just left it simple. When in doubt, go with simple.

To make a very long story short, Clint and I were involved in a car accident November 2010. Thank God that it was our first night out without our newborn because we just dropped him off at my sister-in-laws. We were sitting still in traffic and got rear-ended and it pushed us into the vehicle in front of us. I hope that you have never been in an accident that has involved injuries  because let me tell you, it is absolutely a nightmare, especially if you don't have health insurance and Clint did not. The responsible party's insurance tells you that you are responsible for paying for all your medical bills and you will reimbursed when a settlement is made. Seriously?!?!

Well, Clint had to have shoulder surgery due to a torn rotator cuff in result of the accident. The doctor and the anesthesia's bill were the two that we were responsible for paying out of our pocket because they wouldn't accept third-party billing. So I'm freaking out, like wives do when they see a huge bill coming and wondering how to pay for it, and Clint being off work for a couple months. But let me tell you how we made it. Friends. Plain and simple. Our friends and some of our family put on a benefit roping for Clint on September 17, 2011 and it raised enough money to cover both the doctor and the anesthesia bill.

Remember in my other post I was talking about how life has a funny way of giving you exactly what you need in due time, yep this will be another one of those times.  I am continually amazed at our friends and family that pulled together and helped us out. We will never be able to express the gratitude enough of how much we appreciate all their hard work and love they have showed us. We can only hope that we can repay the favor one day. And we will try our damndest to do so.

On that note, I'm going to leave you all with this. You will never understand the implications of your acts of kindness. It just might mean the world to someone. I encourage you to "pay it forward" and go out of your way to do something kind for someone. I'm planning my next move in how to do so as I type. I understand that we all have busy lives and it seems that we don't have time in our busy schedules to set aside for someone else. But start small. Donate your old clothes to a charity, babysit for a friend that needs a break, take someone dinner that is sick. The possibilities are endless.

Peace and Blessings!
"The Little Pioneer Girl"

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