Monday, October 17, 2011

Battle of the Bulge

I've never been one that had a problem with staying thin despite all the sweets, junk food and sodas I drank. That is until Mr. Blaze came along and my body has decided to hang on to the extra weight. I have officially become a puffy version of myself.

I always tell myself, "Ok, Monday I'm going on a diet and I'm going to start back exercising."

I will lose about 10 pounds and then gain it all back when I decide to either stop dieting or stop exercising.

I have tried numerous cleanses, done a couple days of workouts, and failed at drinking 20 bottles of water a day.

Then I realized, if I want to lose weight and keep it off, it has to be a lifestyle change.

So here is where it begins!

I'm sick and tired of being a puffy version of myself. I'm sick and tired of my clothes not fitting because I refuse to buy a bigger size. And I'm sick and tired of feeling tired and have no energy ALL the time.

Starting today, October 17, 2011, I WILL begin this weight loss journey. I WILL devote at least 30 minutes of my day to myself and my health. And I WILL get back to the skinny person I used to be. Maybe if I put that out there, I will be more accountable for myself.

Let's see how this goes!

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