Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do It Yourself Gift Series

I've been thinking about doing a series of blogs about gifts for the holidays you can make yourself. I asked a couple of you on Facebook and I got some "likes" and a couple of comments so I decided to go with it.

There are several reasons why I'm choosing to do this.

1. I have completely run out of ideas what to get people. Pajamas and a basket of Bath & Body Works is getting old.

2. Who doesn't want to get a gift that is unique and handmade? I would enjoy a unique and handmade gift.

3. I would like to not break the bank.

4. This new spark of do it yourself inside myself is running rampant!

5. It's something to blog about. I might run out of things to say one of these days but it's not looking like it's gonna be anytime soon.

I've been researching some DIY gifts and I have found some REALLY fun ideas. Eventhough I might be stealing these ideas, I will in fact be doing it myself and taking you through the tutorial because I want to be true to myself and also to you guys.

Each tutorial will have:

-Easy Factor: scale 1-10. 1 being the easiest, 10 being hard

-Cost of Total Project

Ok, now I'm off to the store to stock up on supplies!

Happy crafting!


  1. I am looking forward to these posts. My family has decided that instead of giving gifts that we purchase, we are giving gifts that we make.

  2. Good deal! Some of the things I'm working on: fort kit for kids, meat rub for men, pet treats, baked goods in a jar, bath salt, citrus scrub and all kinds of bath goodies for the ladies!
