Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Things Friday

Instead of writing a blog about everything little single thing that happens in my life, I have decided to start "5 Things Friday" to give you the skinny. Here we go!

1. This is my second week of kickboxing and every time I go, another body part is sore.

Not just a little achy sore, it's more like you have to just let yourself fall on the toilet to go to the bathroom because your legs are so sore that your legs quiver everytime you bend your knees and you feel like you just might collapse. How embarassing would that be? To be laid out in the bathroom at work, especially in the middle of trying to go to the bathroom! Think about it!  REALLY embarassing!

Like you don't want to get out of bed because your husband makes fun of you for how long it takes and then you look like an old granny and need a cane sore.

Like you can't even lift your hair brush up to your hair to comb sore.

BUT, that means that I'm working hard and burning fat so I LOVE it! I wish I could marry kickboxing I love it so much!

On Chalene Johnson's blog she always talks about finding your soulmate workout because if you are exercising in a way that you love and are happy doing it then it doesn't seem like a chore and you don't dread doing it every day.

Basically what I'm saying is that kickboxing is my Clint to exercizing.

2. I am so excited to go see "The Hunger Games" movie today! For all of those people that I scoffed at their frenzy and waiting for hours in line at the theatres to see "Twilight", I get it. I totally get it. Sorry for making fun of you.

3. I made this Italian Cream Cake from my new Pioneer Woman Cookbook for the girls and guys at work this week and it was a SUPER hit! It was absolutely delicious. A big ol' cake was gone in a day and a half. You should make one today.

4. I want a chicken coop!

After going and buying the little chicks last weekend for pictures and taking them to their new home at Ron and Beth's house, I REALLY want a chicken coop!

You know one of those really fancy ones with the laying boxes and the big enclosed yard for them to roam? Yep, I want one of those. Maybe if I start saving now, I will be able to get one when I'm 63. There's something to look forward to!

5. We are moving!!! Wahoo!!!! We get to move out to the ranch that Clint works on. I am so excited I want to do a cartwheel right now, but I'm not going to because I'm too sore.

I will be so glad to look out my window and see pastures with horses and green grass all over the place! I'm so happy Blaze has a big place to play and not worry about cars.

Everything happens for a reason! Life is good!

And that my friends, is this week's 5 Things Friday!

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